What We Believe

United Methodist preaching and teaching is grounded in Scripture, informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in personal experience, and tested by reason. These doctrines include:
A Triune God
Prevenient Grace
Justification and Assurance:
Sanctification and Perfection
Faith and Good Works
Nurture and Mission of the Church
Service to the World
Basic Christian Faith Doctrines
God is self-revealed through Scripture, and supremely through Jesus Christ. Human beings, though created in the image of God, have fallen away from God’s standards.
The result of our falling away is that we are separated from God. Despite our waywardness, God still loves human beings with unfathomable love. God is unwilling for our separation to continue; therefore God’s Son, Jesus, came to earth to teach us God’s ways, and supremely, to die in place of our sins. God confirmed the deity of Christ and the efficacy of His death by raising Jesus from the dead.
Individuals must accept for themselves the sacrifice of Christ by faith. Christ’s death brings us forgiveness from the penalty of sin and eventual freedom from its power so that, over time, we become more and more like him. Our faith should manifest itself in works of love and service God will bring a culmination to history, at which time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
At the end of history as we know it, God will judge the earth and establish a heavenly Kingdom in which neither tears nor trials will any longer be found.
MEans of Grace
What are you looking for in life?
In the Methodist tradition, " the Means of Grace" are ways that people come to know the loving presence of God in real life. Prayer, Scripture, worship, works of mercy, and Holy communion are just some of the ways God’s grace pours into our hearts and transforms our lives into the image of Christ, single-hearted love for God and God’s creation.
Hard questions don’t have easy answers, but they do have an answer. That answer is ultimately found in God who created the universe and loves you unconditionally How do you find that God? The good news is that God has been looking for you. God has reached out to you ! Saying "Yes" to God begins with your desire to respond to his gracious Gift of Jesus Christ. Discover for yourself life the way it was meant to be.
West Portland United Methodist Church is committed to helping people nurture and strengthen faith through a vital practice of spiritual disciplines. Below you will find some excellent on-line web-links to help practice means of grace.